The $10,000 Challenge: How First-Time Landlords Can Save Big

diy landlord first-time landlord property management real estate tips rental property Jun 25, 2024

Becoming a landlord for the first time can be both exciting and daunting. One of the biggest decisions you’ll face is whether to hire a property manager or to self-manage your rental property. Many first-time landlords might be tempted to hire a property manager to handle the day-to-day operations, but what if I told you that by self-managing, you could save over $10,000? The key to achieving these savings lies in acquiring the right knowledge and systems, which is precisely what my Landlord Self-Management System provides.

The Costs of Property Management

Let’s break down the typical costs associated with hiring a property manager:

  1. Monthly Management Fees: Property managers typically charge around 8-12% of the monthly rent. For a property renting at $2,000 per month, this could mean $160 to $240 per month, adding up to $1,920 to $2,880 per year.

  2. Leasing Fees: These are fees charged for finding a new tenant and can range from 50% to 100% of one month’s rent. For our $2,000 rental, this could be an additional $1,000 to $2,000 each time a new tenant is needed.

  3. Maintenance Markup: Many property managers charge a markup on maintenance and repair services. This can add another 10-20% to the actual cost of repairs.

  4. Miscellaneous Fees: Other fees can include lease renewal fees, eviction fees, and administrative fees, which can add hundreds of dollars more annually.

A Real-World Example

Imagine you own a rental property that brings in $2,000 per month in rent. Here’s a conservative estimate of annual costs if you hire a property manager:

  • Monthly Management Fees: $2,400 (10% of rent)
  • Leasing Fee: $1,500 (75% of one month’s rent, assuming one tenant change per year)
  • Maintenance Markup: $500 (10% markup on $5,000 of repairs)
  • Miscellaneous Fees: $300

Total Annual Cost: $4,700

Now, compare this with the cost of self-managing your property. While there are still some expenses, such as direct maintenance costs, you’ll eliminate the management fees, leasing fees, and markups.

The Savings and How to Achieve Them

By self-managing, you can potentially save over $4,700 annually, as illustrated above. Over a few years, these savings can accumulate to well over $10,000, money that can be reinvested into your property or used for other financial goals.

However, the barrier for many first-time landlords is the lack of knowledge and systems to effectively manage their property. This is where my Landlord Self-Management System comes in. Here’s how it helps:

  1. Comprehensive Training: Gain the knowledge needed to handle all aspects of property management, from listing your rental and screening tenants to handling maintenance and legal issues.

  2. Proven Systems: Implement proven systems for tenant management, rent collection, and maintenance scheduling, ensuring smooth operations.

  3. Essential Checklists and Documents: Access vital checklists and documents that streamline processes and keep you compliant with local regulations.

  4. Support and Community: Join a community of like-minded landlords and get ongoing support to navigate any challenges you might face.

Take the $10,000 Challenge

Are you ready to take the $10,000 challenge? By choosing to self-manage with the right tools and knowledge, you’ll not only save money but also gain control and confidence in your rental property business. My Landlord Self-Management System is designed to empower first-time landlords to achieve these savings and succeed in their real estate investments.

Start your journey today and transform your rental property into a profitable venture. Save money, avoid costly mistakes, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with effective self-management. Sign up for the Landlord Self-Management System and take control of your financial future.

 Follow me on Instagram @landlord_strategy for daily insights and inspiration.

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