Why a Recession Is the Perfect Time to Start Self-Managing Your Rental Property

Aug 25, 2024

Economic downturns, like recessions, bring uncertainty and challenges for everyone, including landlords. As the economy tightens, property owners often face reduced rental demand, slower tenant turnover, and increased financial pressure. In these times, every dollar saved can make a significant difference. One of the most effective ways to protect your investment and maximize your income during a recession is to start self-managing your rental property. Here’s why a recession is the perfect time to take control of your property management and how it can benefit you in the long run.

1. Save Money by Cutting Property Management Fees

During a recession, maintaining cash flow is critical. Property management fees can eat into your rental income, especially when profit margins are tight. These fees typically range from 8% to 12% of your monthly rental income, plus additional charges for services like tenant placement and maintenance coordination.

  • Immediate Cost Savings: By self-managing, you eliminate these recurring fees, keeping more of your rental income in your pocket. This can provide a crucial financial buffer in uncertain times.
  • Control Over Expenses: Self-management allows you to make informed decisions about maintenance and repairs, ensuring that money is spent wisely and only when necessary.

Take Action: Start by assessing your current property management expenses and consider how much you could save by self-managing. My free landlord class offers practical tips on how to manage your property effectively and save money.

2. Retain Control Over Tenant Relationships

In a recession, maintaining positive relationships with your tenants is more important than ever. Happy tenants are more likely to stay, reducing turnover and the associated costs. When you self-manage, you have direct control over tenant interactions, allowing you to build stronger, more personal relationships.

  • Better Communication: Direct communication with tenants ensures that their concerns are addressed promptly, leading to higher satisfaction and retention.
  • Flexibility: You can offer flexible payment plans or negotiate lease terms directly with tenants if they face financial difficulties, helping to maintain occupancy and avoid vacancies.

Take Action: Strengthen your tenant relationships by taking a hands-on approach to management. For tips on effective communication and tenant retention, follow me on Instagram @first_time_landlord where I share daily insights.

3. Protect Your Investment by Staying Informed

Self-managing your property gives you a closer connection to the market and your investment. In a recession, being well-informed about your property’s condition, tenant satisfaction, and local market trends can help you make proactive decisions that protect your investment.

  • Proactive Maintenance: By staying on top of maintenance issues yourself, you can prevent small problems from becoming costly repairs, saving money in the long run.
  • Market Awareness: Self-managing keeps you in tune with the local rental market, allowing you to adjust rent prices or marketing strategies in response to changing conditions.

Take Action: Keep a close eye on your property and the rental market by conducting regular inspections and staying informed about local trends. My online courses provide detailed guidance on property maintenance and market analysis.

4. Maximize Flexibility in a Changing Market

Recessions often lead to unpredictable changes in the rental market. By self-managing your property, you can quickly adapt to these changes without the delays or restrictions that can come with using a property management company.

  • Responsive Decision-Making: Whether it’s adjusting rent prices, offering move-in incentives, or implementing cost-saving measures, self-managing allows you to make decisions quickly based on the current market conditions.
  • Tailored Strategies: You can create customized strategies to attract and retain tenants, such as offering flexible lease terms or focusing on specific tenant demographics that are more stable during economic downturns.

Take Action: Embrace the flexibility of self-management by tailoring your approach to the current market conditions. My free eBook offers strategies for maximizing your rental income in any market.

5. Build Valuable Skills and Experience

Self-managing your rental property during a recession not only helps you save money and protect your investment, but it also equips you with valuable skills that will benefit you long after the economy recovers.

  • Financial Management: You’ll gain experience in budgeting, managing expenses, and maximizing cash flow, which are essential skills for any landlord.
  • Problem-Solving: Handling tenant issues, maintenance challenges, and market fluctuations yourself builds your problem-solving abilities, making you a more resilient and capable property owner.
  • Confidence and Independence: The experience of successfully managing your property through a recession will give you the confidence to continue self-managing, even when the economy improves.

Take Action: Start building your property management skills today by enrolling in my free landlord class, which covers the essentials of self-management.

6. Preparing for Future Opportunities

A recession can also present opportunities for savvy investors. By self-managing your property and maintaining a strong financial position, you’ll be better prepared to take advantage of potential investment opportunities that may arise during or after the downturn.

  • Investing in Additional Properties: If property prices drop during the recession, you may find opportunities to expand your portfolio at a lower cost.
  • Long-Term Wealth Building: The skills and experience you gain from self-managing during a recession will position you for long-term success as a real estate investor.

Take Action: Stay prepared for future opportunities by keeping your finances in order and continuing to build your property management skills. My online courses offer advanced training for landlords looking to grow their investment portfolios.


While a recession brings challenges, it also offers an opportunity for landlords to take control of their rental properties by self-managing. By cutting costs, maintaining direct tenant relationships, and staying informed about market conditions, you can protect your investment and even position yourself for future success. Self-managing your property during a recession not only helps you navigate the current economic climate but also builds valuable skills that will benefit you for years to come.

For more tips and resources on self-managing your rental property, visit Landlord Strategy, where you can access my free eBook, free landlord class, and online courses. Follow me on Instagram @landlord_strategy for daily insights and inspiration.

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